
Make a gift

Give in   GBP (£)   Make your gift in GBP, or make your pledge now and pay before 31 May. Employees, please use this link for payroll deduction options (prior to 1 May each school year).

Give in   USD ($)

Make your gift in USD, or make your pledge now and pay before 31 May. 


The ASL Foundation (UK) Ltd. (“Foundation UK”) cannot accept donations that are earmarked or required to be distributed to ASL. The Foundation UK directors have discretion and control over the use of funds for grants. Donors may make unrestricted donations or suggest that their gifts be used for a specific purpose. The directors will consider all suggestions. However, these requests are non-binding. See below for further information on the Foundation UK's charitable status.

Any questions? Contact

If you require information on other ways to support ASL including our US-based American School in London Foundation, click here.

Giving levels

Founder's Circle*

£50,000 or more

Stephen L. Eckard Society*


Orange & Black Society


St. John's Wood Circle


Eagle Society


1951 Society


Community Circle


* Donors giving £25,000 or more will be invited to an annual recognition reception with the Head of School.