
Community action

ASL’s community action program provides students with invaluable opportunities to learn and grow by taking considered and consequential action in our community.

pca community engagement 


Contact Brandon Block, K-12 Director of Community Action, 020 7449 1448.

Our program is greatly enriched by our outstanding connections with our local community partners. These links give our students the opportunity to move beyond ASL and connect with and learn from the broader London community.

Community action is integral to our core values, offering opportunities that cultivate respect for diversity, inspire social responsibility, encourage kindness, promote integrity, and empower our students to have the courage to act.

Projects are driven by our students’ curiosity about the world in which we live, and draw upon their interests, talents, determination and sense of justice. The program enriches every aspect of the School, extending learning both within and beyond the curriculum.

Learn more about each division's program: