Please note that you can also sign up your child for Athletics Teams. It is possible to adjust ASP schedules after students learn their team placements. Email to indicate any changes your child may need.
If your child prefers only one activity on a certain day, please select only that activity, acknowledging that enrollment in the class is not guaranteed, depending on the enrollment limit. Please ignore the enrollment limit listed on Veracross, as this number is a generic number generated by Veracross.
Where activities are over-enrolled, students will be selected by lottery, with remaining students placed on a waiting list. An email with instructions on how to check if your child received a place in a chosen activity will be sent. Please note that the automated Veracross confirmation of registration sent out at the time of registration is NOT a confirmation of placement. Please wait for an email to instruct you on how to check successful placements.
When your child’s ASP schedule has been confirmed, please inform of any late bus needs.