Educational psychology
Educational psychologists are key members of the K-12 student support services team (SSST) at ASL.
Our educational psychologists provide clinical consultation services to the ASL community as members of SSST. They collaborate frequently with ASL’s speech and language therapists (K-8) and learning support teachers. The psychologists also liaise with teachers, administrators, divisional counselors, and external mental health providers, including neuropsychologists, pediatricians, psychiatrists and therapists.
As recommended by SSST, the educational psychologists provide referrals to families for community-based assessment and support services. In addition to interpreting incoming evaluation results, they offer comprehensive, diagnostic psychoeducational assessments every three years to students enrolled in ASL’s Specific Learning Differences (SLD) program.
ASL educational psychologists are fully qualified and registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). They are chartered members and associate fellows of the British Psychological Society (BPS).