
K-12 Counseling

The counseling department is a diverse team of mental health professionals who provide short-term, solution-focused support (in an individual or group setting) as well as classroom lessons on health and social/emotional development.

Counselors are available to help students address issues surrounding their personal and social well-being, emotional needs and school-life balance. Counselors offer a safe and confidential space for discussion and problem-solving and are available for students from their first day of school to their transition to a new environment or life after graduation. In addition to supporting students, counselors may provide parent/guardian workshops on a variety of topics, including positive family dynamics and healthy adjustments for major life changes.

Students may refer themselves to a counselor or they may be referred by SSST, a teacher, a parent/guardian or a concerned friend. Counselors can also assist with referrals for external, private individual, or family therapy. Often, counselors serve as resources for employees on a variety of mental health topics.

There are two counselors in each division. All counselors are members of the ASL safeguarding team and are trained in school crisis prevention and intervention.

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