
Grade 7

In Grade 7, the advisory group serves as the organizational and support anchor to the year. In the advisory period at the start of each day, building relationships and guiding RULER implementation are prioritized to create a supportive advisory community centered on emotional intelligence, growth and meaningful connections.

We teach the RULER approach through engaging activities and discussions that empower students to recognize, understand and regulate their emotions, fostering a positive and empathetic environment. After advisory, students participate in classes with different teachers for English, social studies, math, science, world languages, music, health and electives.

The Grade 7 curriculum aims to create lifelong learners, and fosters the inherent connections between students and the academic areas that they study. Students take a world language (Chinese, French, Spanish or English as an Additional Language), and participate in a performing arts course, which includes two of the following classes: band, orchestra, choir and drama. In addition, students take a full year of health education and choose two semester-long elective courses from a range of selections.

Grade-level trip
Grade 7 students participate in a curriculum-focused visit to Dublin, Ireland. Students experience a mix of city tours, museum visits and active participation in Gaelic games. Students investigate Irish emigration, current Irish culture, and the effects of colonialism on the Irish people.

Grade 7 by subject