
Home learning

At ASL, children are actively engaged in rich, purposeful, structured learning experiences for seven hours a day to support their success in school. After 3 pm, we believe family time is important, and children should have some choice in their learning beyond their school day. We invite children to participate in reading and self-directed learning, and to explore their curiosities. Play is vital for children’s well-being, and a sustained commitment is the most effective strategy to making our students better readers.

We do not assign homework for lower school students to complete at home. When it benefits an individual student, the teacher, parent/guardian and child may make a plan to address specific learning needs or to reinforce a concept or skill in a way that provides the student with a choice. We will always ensure that our students learning needs are being met.  

home learning resources

Home learning

  • empowers students to make choices in their learning
  • includes inquiry, exploration and joy in learning
  • promotes the desire to keep learning
  • acknowledges the importance of developing a variety of talents and interests outside of school
  • fosters intrinsic motivation and self-directed learning

What does home learning look like?

  • Children engage in active and/or creative, unstructured play
  • Students read for pleasure for at least 30 minutes
  • We invite parents/guardians to “read to” their child every day
  • Children follow their passions and have choice in what they want to learn after 3 pm

What research supports home learning?

  • Reading has the single greatest impact on student achievement. It expands vocabulary and broadens knowledge across all curricular disciplines.
  • Unstructured, imaginative, child-centered play and physical activity enhance student performance and lead to better behavioral choices.
  • The brain develops in childhood through active play and exercise.
  • Students often sacrifice time for authentic reading in order to complete their homework.
  • There is no conclusive evidence that homework increases standardized test scores or improves academic achievement.

How does home learning connect to school?

Learning initiated in the classroom will have natural extensions to home learning. For example, your child may be invited to bring items from home to contribute to school projects. In our classroom learning communities, we will celebrate school-home learning connections and invite students to share their passions and learning with their peers.