Dusty Francis (ASL 2021-present)
Dusty Francis (ASL 2021-present)
What’s your connection to ASL?
I am excited to be starting my first year at ASL as a MS/HS choir teacher.
How do you reconnect with long-distance friends or family?
My friends, family and I have prolific WhatsApp threads and regular phone and video calls. I also love sharing articles, videos and memes with my loved ones.
How do you stay connected to your...
Community? I've joined a local football club and am looking forward to joining a local choir and running club very soon.
Colleagues? I think the performing arts are particularly lucky that our subjects are also one of our favorite hobbies, so I love swapping concert, theatre and arts recommendations with my colleagues.
Joy? I love exploring all of London's art museums and restaurants (preferably with a friend or two at my side).
Well-being? A home-cooked meal and a good book to read on the terrace.